Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I remember when I did this the first time. I thought to myself, "What in the world is Dr. C talking about?" So I decided that I would say the obvious answer: good grades, extra curricular activities, blah blah blah. But now that I think about it, I was somewhat wrong.

Let's start with the grades part. Honestly, I think that your actual grades don't matter. As long as you are doing your best thats all that matters. From personal experience, I am making A's and B's right now. But it isn't because I am "intelligent" (sorry to use the dreadful word), it is because I study a lot. Just from that, I feel accomplished (and that feels good). This also ties into a growth mindset. If the ideal student gets a sub-par grade, that does not stop them. That just inspires them to do better next time.

Extra curricular activities are great. But they don't necessarily have to be on campus. To me, extra curricular activities are things that you enjoy doing (things that are healthy of course). Go for a jog, have a pizza with friends, go see a good movie. The ideal student balances studying with mind-relaxing activities. This prevents he/she from going completely insane.

The ideal student doesn't worry about how to make a creative attention getter or Marita's bargain, the ideal student ponders about how continuing their education and making right decisions will impact their future. The ideal student wants to make a positive impact on the world. I found this quote that kind of ties in with this topic. Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." This is the ideal student.


  1. Good post. I really like how you pointed out that extracurricular activities can be just hanging out with friends and relaxing. That is something that is really important to relieving stress. Also I agree with you that grades aren't the most important thing. Giving your best effort is all you can do and despite the outcome you should be content in knowing you gave it your all.

  2. I like how you basically said the ideal student doesn't really have to be based around school, that things they do outside can be just as beneficial. I agree with what you said too about grades not being the most important thing in the world.

  3. I agree with what you said about how extracurricular activities can be doing a variety of things and not just volunteer work or other typical activities. I also agree with what you said about grades not be extremely important. As long as a person is doing everything they can to do well in the class, I don't think they should be disappointed with whatever grade they receive.
